Spormaggiore Animal Refuge Park

Face to face with the Brown Bear

Spormaggiore Animal Refuge Park offers all its visitors the unique opportunity to observe various kinds of predators native of the Alps, like the brown bear, wolf and the lynx at close quarters.

Presently there are three female brown bears – whose reserve is covering an area of 7.000 square meters– who live in the park: the oldest bear of Europe, Bel, born in Sardagna (TN), and her two sisters, Cleo and Cora, who were born in the enclosure of San Romedio, a place of pilgrimage, situated in the Non valley.
Another attraction of the Park are the wolves, which reserve covers an area 3.500 square meters of wooded land. These animals can be watched in their natural surroundings from two vantage points overlooking the whole area. Both wolves – Sissi and Luna – are female and were born in 2009.

In addition, you can observe other animals like foxes and lynxes, and two pairs of eagle owls – two females and two males – in a large 30 square meters aviary, and three wildcats, two females and one male.
Numerous trees like beeches, spruces and larches, a small brook with dammed up expanses and small waterfalls dot the entire park, to recreate as much as possible a natural environment.

Moreover, the animals’ park will again be extended in the near future to give shelter to other species equally fascinating and typical of the Alps: the otters.

Finally, the park also offers a farm harboring numerous domestic animals, a playground, a combined bar/gadget point and a video room with more than 20 seats.

Let’s go see the bears!